September 16, 2019 Council Meetings
Items 1 - 4 - 1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Prayer: TBD
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Roll Call
Items 1 - 4
1. Call Meeting to Order2. Prayer: TBD
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Roll Call
Item 5 - Communications and Reports from Town Manager
Item 5
Communications and Reports from Town Manager»
Item 6 - Public Input (Items Not on the Agenda)
Item 6
Public Input (Items Not on the Agenda)»
Item 19 - Executive Session
A. To discuss a personnel issue (evaluation of the Clerk of the Council).
B. To discuss a possible tax assessment agreement which would result in disclosure of public records or information contained therein which is exempt from disclosure at this time pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes §1-210(b)(1) and §1-210(b)(5)(B).
C. To discuss pending litigation (460 Miller Road) pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes §1-210(b)(4) and §1-200(6){E).
Item 19
Executive SessionA. To discuss a personnel issue (evaluation of the Clerk of the Council).
B. To discuss a possible tax assessment agreement which would result in disclosure of public records or information contained therein which is exempt from disclosure at this time pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes §1-210(b)(1) and §1-210(b)(5)(B).
C. To discuss pending litigation (460 Miller Road) pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes §1-210(b)(4) and §1-200(6){E).
Item 15C - Resolution Authorizing an Appropriation from the Contingency Fund for a Traffic Calming Study for the Laurel Street Area
(Councilor Lydecker)
WHEREAS, the Town has received a petition from the Laurel Street residents regarding traffic concerns; and
WHEREAS, in order to prepare a Traffic Calming Study it will be necessary to hire a consultant to collect additional field data and evaluate that data for developing recommendations; and
WHEREAS, the cost of the Traffic Calming Study is estimated to be $13,200
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby authorizes a transfer of $13,200 from the Contingency Account to a Capital Project Account to conduct a Traffic Calming Study of the Laurel Street Neighborhood.
Item 15C
Resolution Authorizing an Appropriation from the Contingency Fund for a Traffic Calming Study for the Laurel Street Area(Councilor Lydecker)
WHEREAS, the Town has received a petition from the Laurel Street residents regarding traffic concerns; and
WHEREAS, in order to prepare a Traffic Calming Study it will be necessary to hire a consultant to collect additional field data and evaluate that data for developing recommendations; and
WHEREAS, the cost of the Traffic Calming Study is estimated to be $13,200
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby authorizes a transfer of $13,200 from the Contingency Account to a Capital Project Account to conduct a Traffic Calming Study of the Laurel Street Neighborhood.
Item 15B - Resolution Authorizing Town Manager Michael Maniscaico or His Designee to Establish a Composting Program
(Deputy Mayor Pendleton)
WHEREAS, the Town of South Windsor annually generates green waste from its curbside leaf pick-up program and. other works for the process of composting; and
WHEREAS, the product of the composting process, hereby known as "compost", has historically been sold via
an auction approach; and
WHEREAS, it would be in the Town's best interest to set rates for the inbound and outbound wholesale, or non-wholesale of compost and compost bi-products and feedstocks, based upon market trends and other factors
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council, pursuant to Section 82-104 Rules and Regulations of the Town Charter, hereby approves the Town Manager or his designee, the right to establish and promulgate reasonable rules and regulations as to the manner, days and times, and charges for the collection, sorting, transportation, sale and/or marketing of recyclable material, particularly compost and compost bi-products, in order to encourage the recovery of material resources while minimizing the cost of the recycling program.
Item 15B
Resolution Authorizing Town Manager Michael Maniscaico or His Designee to Establish a Composting Program(Deputy Mayor Pendleton)
WHEREAS, the Town of South Windsor annually generates green waste from its curbside leaf pick-up program and. other works for the process of composting; and
WHEREAS, the product of the composting process, hereby known as "compost", has historically been sold via
an auction approach; and
WHEREAS, it would be in the Town's best interest to set rates for the inbound and outbound wholesale, or non-wholesale of compost and compost bi-products and feedstocks, based upon market trends and other factors
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council, pursuant to Section 82-104 Rules and Regulations of the Town Charter, hereby approves the Town Manager or his designee, the right to establish and promulgate reasonable rules and regulations as to the manner, days and times, and charges for the collection, sorting, transportation, sale and/or marketing of recyclable material, particularly compost and compost bi-products, in order to encourage the recovery of material resources while minimizing the cost of the recycling program.
Item 7 - Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meetings
(Councilor Lopez)
BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby approves the Minutes of the following Town Council Meeting: Regular Meeting Minutes of September 3, 2019.
Item 7
Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meetings(Councilor Lopez)
BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby approves the Minutes of the following Town Council Meeting: Regular Meeting Minutes of September 3, 2019.
Item 9 - Communications from Liaisons, Officers, and Boards Directly Responsible to Council
Item 9
Communications from Liaisons, Officers, and Boards Directly Responsible to Council»
Item 12 - Public Participation (Items on the Agenda)
Item 12
Public Participation (Items on the Agenda)»
Item 15A - Possible Action on Executive Session Items
Item 15A
Possible Action on Executive Session Items»
Item 15D - Resolution Authorizing the Sale, Donation, or Disposal of Surplus Vehicles/Equipment
(Councilor Maneeley)
BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby declares the vehicles/equipment to be "Surplus Equipment", as shown in attached Exhibit A, and authorizes Town Manager, Michael Maniscalco to sell, donate, or otherwise dispose of these vehicles/equipment.
Item 15D
Resolution Authorizing the Sale, Donation, or Disposal of Surplus Vehicles/Equipment(Councilor Maneeley)
BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby declares the vehicles/equipment to be "Surplus Equipment", as shown in attached Exhibit A, and authorizes Town Manager, Michael Maniscalco to sell, donate, or otherwise dispose of these vehicles/equipment.
Item 15E - Resolution Waiving the Competitive Bidding Process for CivicPlus
(Councilor Hockenberry)
WHEREAS, the Town of South Windsor is currently under contract with CivicPlus, who is the Town's current website provider, and would like to update the Town websites (Town, Police, and SWAN); and
WHEREAS, South Windsor and CivicPlus agree to modify terms set forth in our agreement; and
WHEREAS, the cost of this update is approximately $5,750.00, which ordinarily requires the Town to go out to competitive bidding; and
WHEREAS, the effort for another vendor to build the Town's websites from scratch would cost between $20,000 to $25,000
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby waves the competitive bidding process.
Item 15E
Resolution Waiving the Competitive Bidding Process for CivicPlus(Councilor Hockenberry)
WHEREAS, the Town of South Windsor is currently under contract with CivicPlus, who is the Town's current website provider, and would like to update the Town websites (Town, Police, and SWAN); and
WHEREAS, South Windsor and CivicPlus agree to modify terms set forth in our agreement; and
WHEREAS, the cost of this update is approximately $5,750.00, which ordinarily requires the Town to go out to competitive bidding; and
WHEREAS, the effort for another vendor to build the Town's websites from scratch would cost between $20,000 to $25,000
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby waves the competitive bidding process.
Item 15F - Resolution Adjusting the Car Allowance for the Town Manager and Assistant Town Managers
(Councilor Riley)
WHEREAS, the Town of South Windsor employs a Town Manager with an employment contract, and in turn, the Town Manager employees two Assistant Town Managers with letter agreements; and
WHEREAS, all agreements were voted on and approved by the Town Council on March 26, 2019, and December 18, 2017, respectively; and WHEREAS, each of the above noted agreements identifies a car allowance in the amount of $700 for the Town Manager and $750 for the Assistant Town Managers; and
WHEREAS, through the Fiscal Year 2019/2020 budget cycle, the allowances for the Assistant Town Managers were reduced to $600; and
WHEREAS, the Finance Department is required to view car allowances as additional income reducing the amount taken home by the above employees; and
WHEREAS, the Town is contractually obligated to provide specific amounts in a car allowance and wishes to meet its obligations
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Council effective September 16, 2019, will increase the amount of the Town Manager's Car Allowance from $700 to $750 to meet the Towns contractual obligation and directs the Town Manager to increase the Assistant Town Managers Car Allowance from $600 to the contractually agreed-upon amount of $750.
Item 15F
Resolution Adjusting the Car Allowance for the Town Manager and Assistant Town Managers(Councilor Riley)
WHEREAS, the Town of South Windsor employs a Town Manager with an employment contract, and in turn, the Town Manager employees two Assistant Town Managers with letter agreements; and
WHEREAS, all agreements were voted on and approved by the Town Council on March 26, 2019, and December 18, 2017, respectively; and WHEREAS, each of the above noted agreements identifies a car allowance in the amount of $700 for the Town Manager and $750 for the Assistant Town Managers; and
WHEREAS, through the Fiscal Year 2019/2020 budget cycle, the allowances for the Assistant Town Managers were reduced to $600; and
WHEREAS, the Finance Department is required to view car allowances as additional income reducing the amount taken home by the above employees; and
WHEREAS, the Town is contractually obligated to provide specific amounts in a car allowance and wishes to meet its obligations
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Council effective September 16, 2019, will increase the amount of the Town Manager's Car Allowance from $700 to $750 to meet the Towns contractual obligation and directs the Town Manager to increase the Assistant Town Managers Car Allowance from $600 to the contractually agreed-upon amount of $750.
Item 15G - Resolution Authorizing Town Manager Michael Maniscaico to Sign and Execute a Memorandum of Understanding with 360 Ellington Road, LLC ("Project Hammer")
(Councilor Lopez)
WHEREAS, 360 Ellington Road LLC ("Project Hammer"), intends to develop a commercial project at 360 Ellington Road; and
WHEREAS, after review by the Connecticut Environmental Policy Act (CEPA), the Big Sand Tiger Beetle (Cicindela Formosa), and Low Frostweed (Crocanthemum Propinquum), State Endangered Species, were found on the property and are using a small area within the site for breeding; and
WHEREAS, the CEPA review determined that Project Hammer could not incorporate on-site mitigation within the boundaries of the Project to preserve a habitat area for the Big Sand Tiger Beetles and Low Frostweed located on the site; and
WHEREAS, the CEPA review determined that off-site mitigation measures at Barton Open Space, located at 75 Brookfield Street in the Town, would preserve the Big Sand Tiger Beetles and Low Frostweed
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby authorizes Town Manager, Michael Maniscaico to sign and execute a Memorandum of Understanding and any other necessary documentation with 360 Ellington Road, LLC ("Project Hammer").
Item 15G
Resolution Authorizing Town Manager Michael Maniscaico to Sign and Execute a Memorandum of Understanding with 360 Ellington Road, LLC ("Project Hammer")(Councilor Lopez)
WHEREAS, 360 Ellington Road LLC ("Project Hammer"), intends to develop a commercial project at 360 Ellington Road; and
WHEREAS, after review by the Connecticut Environmental Policy Act (CEPA), the Big Sand Tiger Beetle (Cicindela Formosa), and Low Frostweed (Crocanthemum Propinquum), State Endangered Species, were found on the property and are using a small area within the site for breeding; and
WHEREAS, the CEPA review determined that Project Hammer could not incorporate on-site mitigation within the boundaries of the Project to preserve a habitat area for the Big Sand Tiger Beetles and Low Frostweed located on the site; and
WHEREAS, the CEPA review determined that off-site mitigation measures at Barton Open Space, located at 75 Brookfield Street in the Town, would preserve the Big Sand Tiger Beetles and Low Frostweed
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby authorizes Town Manager, Michael Maniscaico to sign and execute a Memorandum of Understanding and any other necessary documentation with 360 Ellington Road, LLC ("Project Hammer").
Item 15H - Resolution Authorizing Town Manager Michael Maniscaico to Sign and Execute a Memorandum of Understanding with 475 Governors Highway, LLC ("Governors")
(Deputy Mayor Pendleton)
WHEREAS, 475 Governors Highway, LLC ("Governors), intends to develop a commercial project at 475 Governors Highway; and
WHEREAS, after review by the Connecticut Environmental Policy Act (CEPA), the Big Sand Tiger Beetle (Cicindela Formosa), State Endangered Species, was found on the property and is using a small area within the site for breeding; and
WHEREAS, the CEPA review determined that Governors could not incorporate on-site mitigation within the boundaries of the Project to preserve a habitat area for the Big Sand Tiger Beetles located on the site; and
WHEREAS, the CEPA review determined that off-site mitigation measures at Barton Open Space, located at 75 Brookfield Street in the Town, would preserve the Big Sand Tiger Beetles
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby authorizes Town Manager, Michael Maniscaico to sign and execute a Memorandum of Understanding and any other necessary documentation with 475 Governors Highway, LLC ("Governors").
Item 15H
Resolution Authorizing Town Manager Michael Maniscaico to Sign and Execute a Memorandum of Understanding with 475 Governors Highway, LLC ("Governors")(Deputy Mayor Pendleton)
WHEREAS, 475 Governors Highway, LLC ("Governors), intends to develop a commercial project at 475 Governors Highway; and
WHEREAS, after review by the Connecticut Environmental Policy Act (CEPA), the Big Sand Tiger Beetle (Cicindela Formosa), State Endangered Species, was found on the property and is using a small area within the site for breeding; and
WHEREAS, the CEPA review determined that Governors could not incorporate on-site mitigation within the boundaries of the Project to preserve a habitat area for the Big Sand Tiger Beetles located on the site; and
WHEREAS, the CEPA review determined that off-site mitigation measures at Barton Open Space, located at 75 Brookfield Street in the Town, would preserve the Big Sand Tiger Beetles
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby authorizes Town Manager, Michael Maniscaico to sign and execute a Memorandum of Understanding and any other necessary documentation with 475 Governors Highway, LLC ("Governors").
Item 15I - Resolution Authorizing Town Manager, Michael Maniscaico to Execute and Deliver any and all Documents Deemed to be Necessary or Appropriate to the State of Connecticut, Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security on behalf of the Town of South Windsor
(Councilor Maneeley)
BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of South Windsor may enter into, with and deliver to the State of Connecticut, Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security any and all documents which it deems necessary or appropriate for the "Memorandum of Agreement Regarding Use of Federal Fiscal Year 2019 State Homeland Security Grant Funding and Custodial Ownership of Regional Assets in DEMHS Region 3"; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Michael Maniscalco, Town Manager of the Town of South Windsor is hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver any and all documents on behalf of the Town of South Windsor and to do and perform all acts and things which he deems to be necessary or appropriate to carry out the terms of the "Memorandum of Agreement Regarding Use of Federal Fiscal Year 2019 State Homeland Security Grant Funding and Custodial Ownership of Regional Assets in DEMHS Region 3" including, but not limited to, executing and delivering all agreements and documents contemplated by such documents.
Item 15I
Resolution Authorizing Town Manager, Michael Maniscaico to Execute and Deliver any and all Documents Deemed to be Necessary or Appropriate to the State of Connecticut, Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security on behalf of the Town of South Windsor(Councilor Maneeley)
BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of South Windsor may enter into, with and deliver to the State of Connecticut, Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security any and all documents which it deems necessary or appropriate for the "Memorandum of Agreement Regarding Use of Federal Fiscal Year 2019 State Homeland Security Grant Funding and Custodial Ownership of Regional Assets in DEMHS Region 3"; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Michael Maniscalco, Town Manager of the Town of South Windsor is hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver any and all documents on behalf of the Town of South Windsor and to do and perform all acts and things which he deems to be necessary or appropriate to carry out the terms of the "Memorandum of Agreement Regarding Use of Federal Fiscal Year 2019 State Homeland Security Grant Funding and Custodial Ownership of Regional Assets in DEMHS Region 3" including, but not limited to, executing and delivering all agreements and documents contemplated by such documents.
Item 15J - Resolution Inviting the Minority Leader or Their Designee to the Agenda Meetings
(Councilor Delnicki)
WHEREAS, an agenda meeting is held prior to each Council meeting in order to set the agenda; and
WHEREAS, at this meeting, the Mayor or their designee is present; and
WHEREAS, depending upon the will of the Mayor, the minority leader or their designee may or may not be invited to the agenda meeting; and
WHEREAS, consistency in the attendees should be established for the agenda meetings so that both majority and minority members receive the same information at the same time
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that both the Mayor or their designee, and the minority leader or their designee shall both be invited to the agenda meeting; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that those participating in the agenda meetings for Regular Meetings shall receive a print out of the date and time of each meeting.
Item 15J
Resolution Inviting the Minority Leader or Their Designee to the Agenda Meetings(Councilor Delnicki)
WHEREAS, an agenda meeting is held prior to each Council meeting in order to set the agenda; and
WHEREAS, at this meeting, the Mayor or their designee is present; and
WHEREAS, depending upon the will of the Mayor, the minority leader or their designee may or may not be invited to the agenda meeting; and
WHEREAS, consistency in the attendees should be established for the agenda meetings so that both majority and minority members receive the same information at the same time
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that both the Mayor or their designee, and the minority leader or their designee shall both be invited to the agenda meeting; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that those participating in the agenda meetings for Regular Meetings shall receive a print out of the date and time of each meeting.
Item 15K - Resolution Accepting the Resignation of Nadine Caron (R) Historic District Commission
(Councilor Riley)
BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby accepts, with regret, the resignation of Nadine Caron (R) from the Historic District Commission; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council extends its thanks to Nadine Caron for the time she has dedicated to serving her community by her membership on the Historic District Commission.
Item 15K
Resolution Accepting the Resignation of Nadine Caron (R) Historic District Commission(Councilor Riley)
BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby accepts, with regret, the resignation of Nadine Caron (R) from the Historic District Commission; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council extends its thanks to Nadine Caron for the time she has dedicated to serving her community by her membership on the Historic District Commission.
Items 15L & 20 - L. Discussion Item: Establishing a Committee for the 2020 Census (requested by Mayor Paterna)
20. Adjournment
Items 15L & 20
L. Discussion Item: Establishing a Committee for the 2020 Census (requested by Mayor Paterna)20. Adjournment
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