April 3, 2023 Council Meetings
Items 1 & 2 - 1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
Items 1 & 2
1. Call Meeting to Order2. Pledge of Allegiance
Item 3 - Roll Coll
Item 3
Roll Coll»
Item 4 - Mayor's Remarks
Item 4
Mayor's Remarks»
Item 5 - Adoption of Agenda
Item 5
Adoption of Agenda»
Item 6 - Communications and Reports from the Town Manager
Item 6
Communications and Reports from the Town Manager»
Item 7 - Public Input for Items on the Agenda
Public Input shall not exceed thirty (30) minutes. When recognized by the Mayor, the speaker(s) shall approach the lectern, give their name and address. Speakers shall avoid personal attacks or impugning or alleging an improper motive to any person. The speaker(s) may address the Council on any item on the agenda. The speaker(s) shall limit their speaking time to five (5) minutes.
Item 7
Public Input for Items on the AgendaPublic Input shall not exceed thirty (30) minutes. When recognized by the Mayor, the speaker(s) shall approach the lectern, give their name and address. Speakers shall avoid personal attacks or impugning or alleging an improper motive to any person. The speaker(s) may address the Council on any item on the agenda. The speaker(s) shall limit their speaking time to five (5) minutes.
Item 8 - Councilor Lopez
Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meetings
Approval of March 20, 2023 Town Council Meeting Minutes
BE IT RESOLVED, that the South Windsor Town Council hereby approves the Minutes of the Regular Town Council Meeting of March 20. 2023.
Item 8
Councilor LopezAdoption of Minutes of Previous Meetings
Approval of March 20, 2023 Town Council Meeting Minutes
BE IT RESOLVED, that the South Windsor Town Council hereby approves the Minutes of the Regular Town Council Meeting of March 20. 2023.
Item 9 - Communication from Liaisons, Officers, and Boards Directly Responsible to Council
Item 9
Communication from Liaisons, Officers, and Boards Directly Responsible to Council»
Item 13A ( Part 1 of 2 ) - Discussion Item: General Government Budget
> Library — page 184
> Town Council — page 18
> Boards/Commissions — page 22
> Town Manager — page 55
> Town Attorney — page 93
Item 13A ( Part 1 of 2 )
Discussion Item: General Government Budget> Library — page 184
> Town Council — page 18
> Boards/Commissions — page 22
> Town Manager — page 55
> Town Attorney — page 93
Public Hearing - Public Meetings are the time and place at which the Town Council conducts official business of the Town. The Council reserves the time and invites the public to be heard during Public Input of each Public Meeting, as follows:
Item #7: Public Input on Agenda Items Only
In-Person Meetings:
Public Input shall not exceed thirty (30) minutes unless extended by the Mayor with the consent of the majority of the Council present. When recognized by the Mayor, the speaker(s) shall approach the lectern, and give their name and address. Speakers shall avoid personal attacks or impugning or alleging an improper motive to any person. The speaker(s) may address the Council on any item on the agenda. The spcaker(s) shall limit their speaking time to five (5) minutes. This limit may not be exceeded, except when invoked by any member of the Council with the consent of a majority of the Council present. Town Council members will not respond to any public comments/questions. Emails will only be read into the record if brought forth by a Council member or if the person submitting the email has requested that the email is read into the record. A Council member who brings an email forward will read the email into the record. No email shall be read if the substance of such email, at the discretion of the Mayor or any Council member violates these rules, or if, upon the advice of the Town Attorney, would otherwise be improper. A Council member or the Mayor shall advise the rest of the Council in writing through the Clerk of the Council their objection to the email being read prior to the call of the meeting.
Virtual Meetings:
Public Input shall not exceed thirty (30) minutes unless extended by the Mayor with the consent of the majority of the Council present. When recognized by the Mayor, the speaker(s) shall approach the lectern, and give their name and address. Speakers shall avoid personal attacks or impugning or alleging an improper motive to any person. The speaker(s) may address the Council on any item on the agenda. The spcakcr(s) shall limit their speaking time to five (5) minutes. This limit may not be exceeded, except when invoked by any member of the Council with the consent of a majority of the Council present. Town Council members will not respond to any public comments/questions. Emails sent to TownCouncilComments@southwindsor-ct.gov will only be read into the record. A Council member who brings an email forward will read the email into the record. No email shall be read if the substance of such email, at the discretion of the Mayor or any Council member, violates these rules, or if, upon the advice of the Town Attorney, would othcrw ise be improper. A Council member or the Mayor shall advise the rest of the Council in writing through the Clerk of the Council their objection to the email being read prior to the call of the meeting.
Item #15: Second Public Input - on any matter over which the Council lias Jurisdiction
In-Person Meetings:
Public Input shall not exceed thirty (30) minutes unless extended by the Mayor with the consent of the majority of the Council present. When recognized by the Mayor, the spcaker(s) shall approach the lectern, and give their name and address. Speakers shall avoid personal attacks or impugning or alleging an improper motive to any person. The speaker(s) may address the Council on any matter over which the Council has jurisdiction. The speaker(s) shall limit their speaking time to five (5) minutes. This limit may not be exceeded, except when invoked by any member of the Council with the consent of a majority of the Council present. Town Council members will not respond to any public comments/questions. Emails will only be read into the record if brought forth by a Council member or if the person submitting the email has requested that the email is read into the record. A Council member who brings an email forward will read the email into the record. No email shall be read if the substance of such email, at the discretion of the Mayor or any Council member violates these rules, or if, upon the advice of the Town Attorney, would otherwise be improper. A Council member or the Mayor shall advise the rest of the Council in writing through the Clerk of the Council their objection to the email being read prior to the call of the meeting.
Virtual Meetings:
Public Input shall not exceed thirty (30) minutes unless extended by the Mayor with the consent of the majority of the Council present. When recognized by the Mayor, the speakcr(s) shall approach the lectern, and give their name and address. Speakers shall avoid personal attacks or impugning or alleging an improper motive to any person. The spcakcr(s) may address the Council on any matter over which the Council has jurisdiction. The speaker(s) shall limit their speaking time to five (5) minutes. This limit may not be exceeded, except when invoked by any member of the Council with the consent of a majority of the Council present. Town Council members will not respond to any public comments/questions. Emails sent to TownCouncilComments@southwindsor-ct.gov will only be read into the record if brought forth by a Council member or if the person submitting the email has requested that the email is read into the record. A Council member who brings an email forward will read the email into the record. No email shall be read if the substance of such email, at the discretion of the Mayor or any Council member, violates these rules, or if, upon the advice of the Town Attorney, would otherwise be improper. A Council member or the Mayor shall advise the rest of the Council in writing through the Clerk of the Council their objection to the email being read prior to the call of the meeting.
Public Hearing
Public Meetings are the time and place at which the Town Council conducts official business of the Town. The Council reserves the time and invites the public to be heard during Public Input of each Public Meeting, as follows:Item #7: Public Input on Agenda Items Only
In-Person Meetings:
Public Input shall not exceed thirty (30) minutes unless extended by the Mayor with the consent of the majority of the Council present. When recognized by the Mayor, the speaker(s) shall approach the lectern, and give their name and address. Speakers shall avoid personal attacks or impugning or alleging an improper motive to any person. The speaker(s) may address the Council on any item on the agenda. The spcaker(s) shall limit their speaking time to five (5) minutes. This limit may not be exceeded, except when invoked by any member of the Council with the consent of a majority of the Council present. Town Council members will not respond to any public comments/questions. Emails will only be read into the record if brought forth by a Council member or if the person submitting the email has requested that the email is read into the record. A Council member who brings an email forward will read the email into the record. No email shall be read if the substance of such email, at the discretion of the Mayor or any Council member violates these rules, or if, upon the advice of the Town Attorney, would otherwise be improper. A Council member or the Mayor shall advise the rest of the Council in writing through the Clerk of the Council their objection to the email being read prior to the call of the meeting.
Virtual Meetings:
Public Input shall not exceed thirty (30) minutes unless extended by the Mayor with the consent of the majority of the Council present. When recognized by the Mayor, the speaker(s) shall approach the lectern, and give their name and address. Speakers shall avoid personal attacks or impugning or alleging an improper motive to any person. The speaker(s) may address the Council on any item on the agenda. The spcakcr(s) shall limit their speaking time to five (5) minutes. This limit may not be exceeded, except when invoked by any member of the Council with the consent of a majority of the Council present. Town Council members will not respond to any public comments/questions. Emails sent to TownCouncilComments@southwindsor-ct.gov will only be read into the record. A Council member who brings an email forward will read the email into the record. No email shall be read if the substance of such email, at the discretion of the Mayor or any Council member, violates these rules, or if, upon the advice of the Town Attorney, would othcrw ise be improper. A Council member or the Mayor shall advise the rest of the Council in writing through the Clerk of the Council their objection to the email being read prior to the call of the meeting.
Item #15: Second Public Input - on any matter over which the Council lias Jurisdiction
In-Person Meetings:
Public Input shall not exceed thirty (30) minutes unless extended by the Mayor with the consent of the majority of the Council present. When recognized by the Mayor, the spcaker(s) shall approach the lectern, and give their name and address. Speakers shall avoid personal attacks or impugning or alleging an improper motive to any person. The speaker(s) may address the Council on any matter over which the Council has jurisdiction. The speaker(s) shall limit their speaking time to five (5) minutes. This limit may not be exceeded, except when invoked by any member of the Council with the consent of a majority of the Council present. Town Council members will not respond to any public comments/questions. Emails will only be read into the record if brought forth by a Council member or if the person submitting the email has requested that the email is read into the record. A Council member who brings an email forward will read the email into the record. No email shall be read if the substance of such email, at the discretion of the Mayor or any Council member violates these rules, or if, upon the advice of the Town Attorney, would otherwise be improper. A Council member or the Mayor shall advise the rest of the Council in writing through the Clerk of the Council their objection to the email being read prior to the call of the meeting.
Virtual Meetings:
Public Input shall not exceed thirty (30) minutes unless extended by the Mayor with the consent of the majority of the Council present. When recognized by the Mayor, the speakcr(s) shall approach the lectern, and give their name and address. Speakers shall avoid personal attacks or impugning or alleging an improper motive to any person. The spcakcr(s) may address the Council on any matter over which the Council has jurisdiction. The speaker(s) shall limit their speaking time to five (5) minutes. This limit may not be exceeded, except when invoked by any member of the Council with the consent of a majority of the Council present. Town Council members will not respond to any public comments/questions. Emails sent to TownCouncilComments@southwindsor-ct.gov will only be read into the record if brought forth by a Council member or if the person submitting the email has requested that the email is read into the record. A Council member who brings an email forward will read the email into the record. No email shall be read if the substance of such email, at the discretion of the Mayor or any Council member, violates these rules, or if, upon the advice of the Town Attorney, would otherwise be improper. A Council member or the Mayor shall advise the rest of the Council in writing through the Clerk of the Council their objection to the email being read prior to the call of the meeting.
Item 13A ( Part 2 of 2 ) - Discussion Item: General Government Budget
> Library — page 184
> Town Council — page 18
> Boards/Commissions — page 22
> Town Manager — page 55
> Town Attorney — page 93
Item 13A ( Part 2 of 2 )
Discussion Item: General Government Budget> Library — page 184
> Town Council — page 18
> Boards/Commissions — page 22
> Town Manager — page 55
> Town Attorney — page 93
Item 13B - Discussion Item: Open Space Task Force presents the updated master plan (Jeff Folger, John Caldwell, and Pat Botteron)
Item 13B
Discussion Item: Open Space Task Force presents the updated master plan (Jeff Folger, John Caldwell, and Pat Botteron)»
Item 13C - Discussion Item: Senior and Veterans tax exemptions and tax liens (Mary Huda and Jennifer Hilinski)
Item 13C
Discussion Item: Senior and Veterans tax exemptions and tax liens (Mary Huda and Jennifer Hilinski)»
Item 13D - Discussion Item: Opting out of PA 21-29 Parking Requirements (Michele Lipe)
Item 13D
Discussion Item: Opting out of PA 21-29 Parking Requirements (Michele Lipe)»
Item 13E - Discussion Item: Amending the Ordinance that created the Social Justice and Racial Equity Commissions
Item 13E
Discussion Item: Amending the Ordinance that created the Social Justice and Racial Equity Commissions»
Item 13F - Resolution approving sixteen (16) tax refunds totaling $7,165.15
BE IT RESOLVED, that the South Windsor Town Council hereby approves
Item 13F
Resolution approving sixteen (16) tax refunds totaling $7,165.15BE IT RESOLVED, that the South Windsor Town Council hereby approves
Item 13G - Resolution approving the transfer of $5,300 from the contingency account to the
Human Services Administration Professional account to cover mandated relocation
BE IT RESOLVED, that the South Windsor Town Council hereby approves a transfer of $5,300 from the Contingency Account to the Human Services Administration Professional account to cover mandated relocation expenditures.
Item 13G
Resolution approving the transfer of $5,300 from the contingency account to theHuman Services Administration Professional account to cover mandated relocation
BE IT RESOLVED, that the South Windsor Town Council hereby approves a transfer of $5,300 from the Contingency Account to the Human Services Administration Professional account to cover mandated relocation expenditures.
Item 13H - Resolution approving the transfer of $150,000 from Capital Non-Recurring to the
Philip R. Smith Portable project account
BE IT RESOLVED, that the South Windsor Town Council hereby approves the transfer of $150,000 from the Capital Non-Recurring Account to the Philip R. Smith Portable project account.
Item 13H
Resolution approving the transfer of $150,000 from Capital Non-Recurring to thePhilip R. Smith Portable project account
BE IT RESOLVED, that the South Windsor Town Council hereby approves the transfer of $150,000 from the Capital Non-Recurring Account to the Philip R. Smith Portable project account.
Item 15 - Public Input for Any Matter
Public Input for any other matter shall not exceed thirty (30) minutes. When recognized by the Mayor, the speaker(s) shall approach the lectern, give their name and address. Speakers shall avoid personal attacks or impugning or alleging an improper motive to any person. The speaker(s) may address the Council on any item. The speaker(s) shall limit their speaking time to five (5) minutes.
Item 15
Public Input for Any MatterPublic Input for any other matter shall not exceed thirty (30) minutes. When recognized by the Mayor, the speaker(s) shall approach the lectern, give their name and address. Speakers shall avoid personal attacks or impugning or alleging an improper motive to any person. The speaker(s) may address the Council on any item. The speaker(s) shall limit their speaking time to five (5) minutes.
Item 16 - Communications from the Council
Item 16
Communications from the Council»
Items 17 & 18 - 17. Executive Session
(Please invite Town Manager, Michael Maniscalco, Assistant Town Manager, Mrs. Perry and Assistant Town Manager, Mr. Roberts and any other appropriate personnel deemed necessary).
Discussion regarding Hartford Truck Company tax abatement application under section 1-210 (b)(5)(B)
18. Adjournment
Items 17 & 18
17. Executive Session(Please invite Town Manager, Michael Maniscalco, Assistant Town Manager, Mrs. Perry and Assistant Town Manager, Mr. Roberts and any other appropriate personnel deemed necessary).
Discussion regarding Hartford Truck Company tax abatement application under section 1-210 (b)(5)(B)
18. Adjournment
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